Hi Dscho, I found a regression in the builtin 'add -i'. I use diff-so-fancy [1] as a pager and also use it via 'interactive.diffFilter'. With the builtin implementation, this errors with: error: could not parse colored hunk header '?[36m?[1m?[38;5;13m@ file:1 @?[1m?[0m' With the Perl version, it works fine. This has been reported in the 'diff-so-fancy' project here: [2]. Here is a reproducer: ~~~bash #!/bin/bash set -euEo pipefail repo=repro rm -rf $repo TEST_AUTHOR_LOCALNAME=author TEST_AUTHOR_DOMAIN=example.com GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=${TEST_AUTHOR_LOCALNAME}@${TEST_AUTHOR_DOMAIN} GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='A U Thor' GIT_AUTHOR_DATE='1112354055 +0200' TEST_COMMITTER_LOCALNAME=committer TEST_COMMITTER_DOMAIN=example.com GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=${TEST_COMMITTER_LOCALNAME}@${TEST_COMMITTER_DOMAIN} GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='C O Mitter' GIT_COMMITTER_DATE='1112354055 +0200' export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL GIT_AUTHOR_NAME export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL GIT_COMMITTER_NAME export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE GIT_AUTHOR_DATE export HOME= git -c init.defaultBranch=unimportant init $repo cd $repo date>file git add file git commit -m file git clone https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy.git date>>file export PATH="diff-so-fancy:$PATH" git -c interactive.diffFilter="diff-so-fancy --patch" -c add.interactive.useBuiltin=false add -p < <(echo y) date>>file git -c interactive.diffFilter="diff-so-fancy --patch" add -p ~~~ Cheers, Philippe. [1] https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy [2] https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy/issues/437