Has there been any discussion or considerations adding a repository
specific config file that would be delivered to all cloned repositories
automatically? This would allow the publisher of the repository to set up
some default settings to all developers cloning the repository. This
could be useful to set up things like default aliases to ease up the work,
to set that all remote branches are tracked, to list the configurations of
submodules (so that people don't have to run submodule init), etc.
User should still be able to add configurations that overlap with the
remote configuration and user should be able to ignore everything that
came from the parent. Using ~/.gitconfig and /etc/gitconfig doesn't
always work well when the developers don't have access to the remote
machine (other than to clone the repository). Maybe the simplest solution
would be to just add .gitconfig to the repository itself.
Pekka Riikonen priikone at silcnet.org
Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) http://silcnet.org/
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