- git version: 2.36.1 - steps to reproduce the bug : We have no idea actually. We're maintainer of our internal git/gerrit. We found sometimes some user will invoke 100+ threads to clone the same repository. And when we ask those guy, they say they only executed the "git fetch" once. And just like the youtube videio, you will find git fork a child git, and then grandson child git, and loop like this forever until the server down. If we copy their local repository to our own PC, and then execute `git fetch`, we can also reproduce it. It seems that some broken local git files cause this bug - what you expect and actual behavior, as well as the differences Mentioned above - system info Ubuntu 18.04 - miscellaneous N/A -----Original Message----- From: Bagas Sanjaya <bagasdotme@xxxxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 8:33 PM To: 程洋 <chengyang@xxxxxxxxxx>; git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cc: 何浩 <hehao@xxxxxxxxxx>; Xin7 Ma 马鑫 <maxin7@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [External Mail]Re: Git fork process infinitely and never stop [外部邮件] 此邮件来源于小米公司外部,请谨慎处理。 On 7/4/22 16:44, 程洋 wrote: > Git Version: 2.36.1 > > In some circumstance, Git will fork child process forever until my PC crash. > I don’t understand why and I don’t know what log or information I > should provide Details are showed in this Youtube video. Please feel free to ask if I can provide anything. > Hi and welcome to Git mailing list! For this bug report to be useful, please include following information, inline in your email: - git version - steps to reproduce the bug - what you expect and actual behavior, as well as the differences - system info - miscellaneous And don't forget to send as plaintext email. Thanks. -- An old man doll... just what I always wanted! - Clara #/******本邮件及其附件含有小米公司的保密信息,仅限于发送给上面地址中列出的个人或群组。禁止任何其他人以任何形式使用(包括但不限于全部或部分地泄露、复制、或散发)本邮件中的信息。如果您错收了本邮件,请您立即电话或邮件通知发件人并删除本邮件! This e-mail and its attachments contain confidential information from XIAOMI, which is intended only for the person or entity whose address is listed above. Any use of the information contained herein in any way (including, but not limited to, total or partial disclosure, reproduction, or dissemination) by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by phone or email immediately and delete it!******/#