I've run into a problem with git stash. I suspect that I've already
lost the work that I tried to stash, but would like to know where I
went wrong.
I had some work in progress, wanted to check something from my last
commit, and typed "git stash". I forgot to "git stash apply"
immediately afterward, and carried on doing some more work related to
the stashed code. I realized that I'd got a stash that I wanted to
apply, and tried to restore it.
While trying to restore it, I typed "git stash --apply", which
actually created a new stash named "--apply". Ooops. Anyway, the
real problem is :
$ git stash list
stash@{0}: On master: --apply
stash@{1}: WIP on master: 09e3c30... Better handling of cell sizes in
the grid
$ git stash show stash@{1}
.gitignore | 3 -
AppController.h | 10 -
AppController.m | 30 -
English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | Bin 202 -> 0 bytes
English.lproj/MainMenu.xib | 2560
GLScene.h | 21 -
GLScene.m | 287 ----
Info.plist | 28 -
LayoutManager.h | 19 -
LayoutManager.m | 118 --
OpenGLTests.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 323 -----
OpenGLTests_Prefix.pch | 10 -
TheWall.h | 28 -
TheWall.m | 99 --
UserImage.h | 17 -
UserImage.m | 111 --
Utilities.h | 38 -
Utilities.m | 89 --
main.m | 14 -
19 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 3805 deletions(-)
Hmm. Looks like it's trying to delete all of my versioned files.
"git stash apply stash@{1}" confirms this. Obviously that's not what
I tried to stash - my WIP when I stashed was a few additions, a couple
of new unversioned files, and moving a few lines of code from one file
to another.
Any ideas what happened there? I can't seem to reproduce the problem
in a test repository.
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