Hello, I am running some tests of a project that uses pygit, and the test creates a test repository .. using pygit. I noticed that in some environments the default branch warning is displayed and not others because the git version varies. The warning is just noise in the test log so I would like to avoid it, and I would like to find a solution that works for git that predates the introduction of this warning and the option to silence it as well as the future git versions in which the default is subject to change. AFAICT there is no clean way to do it. I can set up the global option to whatever but I don't want to do that just to run tests. I could set the repo local option but before calling pygit2.init_repository() there is no repository to configure, and after it is too late because I expect the message to be printed by this call. Also I cannot rely on pygit to have some latest bells and whistles because like git it varies across environments and the whole point of running the test in different environments is to verify that it works with whatever tool versions are avaialble there. Any ideas? Thanks Michal