+__gitcomp_directories ()
+ local _tmp_dir _tmp_completions
+ # Get the directory of the current token; this differs from dirname
+ # in that it keeps up to the final trailing slash. If no slash found
+ # that's fine too.
+ [[ "$cur" =~ .*/ ]]
+ _tmp_dir=$BASH_REMATCH
+ # Find possible directory completions, adding trailing '/' characters
+ _tmp_completions="$(git ls-tree -d --name-only HEAD $_tmp_dir |
+ sed -e s%$%/%)"
I am admittedly unfamiliar with the use of this format in sed expressions
(I'm generally more accustomed to '/' instead of '%'). It's definitely
working as it should, I'm just not quite sure of how.
+ if [[ -n "$_tmp_completions" ]]; then
+ # There were some directory completions, so find ones that
+ # start with "$cur", the current token, and put those in COMPREPLY
+ local i=0 c IFS=$' \t\n'
Does c need to be declared before the loop?
+ for c in $_tmp_completions; do
+ if [[ $c == "$cur"* ]]; then
+ COMPREPLY+=("$c")
+ fi
+ done
+ elif [[ "$cur" =~ /$ ]]; then
+ # No possible further completions any deeper, so assume we're at
+ # a leaf directory and just consider it complete
Thank you so much for the detailed comments on this change - it made it
really easy to parse.
+ __gitcomp_direct_append "$cur "
What's the reason for the trailing space here?
+ fi
Added my review as mentioned in [1].