Hi Johannes,
thanks for clarifying this. I'm using 'git config --system --unset
credential.helper' before setting the file store in the local
configuration now and it works.
Best Sebastian
Am 09.01.2022 22:53, schrieb Johannes Schindelin:
Hi Sebastian,
On Thu, 6 Jan 2022, Imi Admin wrote:
Here's my local git configuration:
PS C:\scripts> git config -l --show-origin
file:C:/Program Files/Git/etc/gitconfig credential.helper=manager-core
Files/Git/etc/gitconfig credential.https://dev.azure.com.usehttppath=true
file:C:/Program Files/Git/etc/gitconfig init.defaultbranch=master
file:.git/config core.repositoryformatversion=0
file:.git/config core.filemode=false
file:.git/config core.bare=false
file:.git/config core.logallrefupdates=true
file:.git/config core.symlinks=false
file:.git/config core.ignorecase=true
file:.git/config remote.origin.url=https://mygitlab.de/mygroup/myrepo.git
file:.git/config remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
file:.git/config branch.master.remote=origin
file:.git/config branch.master.merge=refs/heads/master
file:.git/config user.name=myname
file:.git/config user.email=my@email
file:.git/config credential.helper=store --file
Anyway as far as i understood git should not exec
get at all with my local git configuration?
You need one additional thing to make that happen. As per
Note that multiple helpers may be defined. See gitcredentials[7]
for details and examples.
And in https://git-scm.com/docs/gitcredentials#_configuration_options,
If there are multiple instances of the credential.helper
configuration variable, each helper will be tried in turn, and may
provide a username, password, or nothing. Once Git has acquired
both a username and a password, no more helpers will be tried.
If credential.helper is configured to the empty string, this
resets the helper list to empty (so you may override a helper set
by a lower-priority config file by configuring the empty-string
helper, followed by whatever set of helpers you would like).
So you need to insert a line "helper =` (with an empty value) in your
.git/config's `[credential]` section:
# reset 'credential.helper' list
helper =
helper = "store --file C:/scripts/.git/.git-credentials"
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