On 17.12.2021 00:20, Matthias Maier wrote:
Dear all,
I am experimenting with git version 2.34.1 (and OpenSSH 8.8_p1) a bit
trying to set up a repository with SSH signatures for commits instead of
pgp. I have also tested the current "git next" branch.
The straight-forward setup (by having an "allowed_signers" file
naming individual e-mails and pubkeys) works as anticipated.
However, when trying to combine this with an SSH certificate authority
(which would be the use case I have in mind) I am not able to use an
e-mail wildcard in the "allowed_signers" file but have to specify full
e-mails instead. This, unfortunately, defeats a bit the purpose of
having an SSH certificate authority in the first place...
Thanks for your report. I tested the described behaviour and I think this is
a bug in openssh. find-principals will never match on a CA cert with
wildcard principals whereas wildcards for non-CA keys work just fine. I've
emailed the openssh maintainer about it and will prepare a patch.
Steps to reproduce:
Set up a minimal CA:
$ mkdir /tmp/signing-test
$ cd /tmp/signing-test
A) Set up two test pubkeys:
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "ca key" -f id_ca
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "user key" -f id_user
B) Sign user key creating an SSH certificate:
C) Create allowed signers file:
$ (printf '*@43-1.org cert-authority,namespaces="file,git" '; cat id_ca.pub) > allowed_signers
! Important: I used a wild card "*@43-1.org" for the principal!
D) Test setup:
$ echo this is some random text > test.txt
$ ssh-keygen -Y sign -f id_user-cert.pub -n file test.txt
Signing file test.txt
Write signature to test.txt.sig
$ ssh-keygen -Y find-principals -f allowed_signers -n file -s test.txt.sig
Are you sure the allowed_signers file was exactly what you generated before
for this command? If I follow your steps this will not produce a principal
for me with neither openssh-8.8.1, nor master. Can you run this with `-vvv`
which will show a bit more ssh internal output?
In the openssh code for find-principals wildcard principals are filtered for
CA certs. I'm not sure why and have asked them about it.
By the way, find-principals will not consider the namespace parameter.
This has another bug in the current master producing a segfault for which
I've already sent a patch. But this should be unrelated to your issue.
$ ssh-keygen -Y verify -f allowed_signers -I "tamiko@xxxxxxxx" -n file -s test.txt.sig < test.txt
Good "file" signature for tamiko@xxxxxxxx with ED25519-CERT key SHA256:noSSfVeVlrYi6vGgK+jRPvyBnIV4ccVA0iW4IXYdXDQ
Set up a git repository
E) Set up an empty repository somewhere
$ cd /tmp
$ git init signing-test-repo
$ cd signing-test-repo
and modify .git/config to look like this:
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
gpgsign = true
signingkey = /tmp/signing-test/id_user-cert.pub
format = ssh
[gpg "ssh"]
allowedSignersFile = /tmp/signing-test/allowed_signers
F) make a commit
$ git commit -a --allow-empty -m "my shiny new ssh key signed commit"
$ git log --show-signature
Good "git" signature with ED25519-CERT key SHA256:noSSfVeVlrYi6vGgK+jRPvyBnIV4ccVA0iW4IXYdXDQ
/tmp/signing-test/allowed_signers:1: no valid principals found
No principal matched.
Author: Matthias Maier <tamiko@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon Dec 13 23:51:03 2021 -0600
Just FYI: if you add GIT_TRACE=1 to the git commands you can see the
executed ssh-keygen commands, which can help to see whats going on.
G) modify allowd_signers entry to read "tamiko@xxxxxxxx" instead of the wildcard "*@43-1.org":
$ git log --show-signature
Good "git" signature for tamiko@xxxxxxxx with ED25519-CERT key SHA256:noSSfVeVlrYi6vGgK+jRPvyBnIV4ccVA0iW4IXYdXDQ
Author: Matthias Maier <tamiko@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon Dec 13 23:51:03 2021 -0600