Recently I saw a report [1] on a new theoretical result about how to manage hash maps which get nearly 'full', which beats Knuth's limit formula. The full paper is at [2] As I understand it, the method adds the gravestone entries early during has collisions to avoid clumping of such collision insertions, rather than always having to enter the collision list at the end. This keeps the available slots relatively randomly spaced. It feels like the old random bus arrival problem where the average wait for next bus is identical to the average time since the last bust, which is the same as the average bus interval (thus 1 + 1 = 1), and the technique maintains that advantageous perception. Given Git's use of hashes, it sounds like it could have uses, assuming the theory pans out. I've not yet gone through the paper itself [2] but hope springs eternal. Philip [1] S. Nadis and M. I. of Technology, “Theoretical breakthrough could boost data storage.” (accessed Nov. 18, 2021). [2] M. A. Bender, B. C. Kuszmaul, and W. Kuszmaul, “Linear Probing Revisited: Tombstones Mark the Death of Primary Clustering,” arXiv:2107.01250 [cs, math], Jul. 2021, Accessed: Nov. 18, 2021. [Online]. Available: