On 20/10/21 08.06, brian m. carlson wrote:
+Should we use a monorepo or many individual repos?::
+ This is a decision that is typically made based on an organization's needs and
+ desires for their projects. Git has several features, such as shallow clone,
+ partial clone, and sparse checkout to make working with large repositories
+ easier, and there is active development on making the monorepo experience
+ better.
+However, at a certain size, the performance of a monorepo will likely become
+unacceptable _unless_ you use these features. If you choose to start with a
+monorepo and continue to grow, you may end up unhappy with the performance
+characteristics at a point where making a change is difficult. The performance
+of using many smaller repositories will almost always be much better and will
+generally not necessitate the use of these more advanced features. If you are
+concerned about future performance of your repository and related tools, you may
+wish to avoid a monorepo.
+Ultimately, you should make a decision fully informed about the potential
+benefits and downsides, including the capabilities, performance, and future
+requirements for your repository and related tools, including your hosting
+platform, build tools, and other programs you typically use as part of your
Merging and Rebasing
It seems like recommending to split repo, right?
Ultimately, if people choose split repo instead of monorepo, it will
only delay the necessity to use advanced features (partial/shallow
clones, sparse checkout, etc.) when the repos become large.
For balanced view, we should describe benefits and drawbacks of both
monorepo and split repos.
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