I'm having an issue with git modifying a DLL file and corrupting it. When I download the original working file, it has a hash starting with 8FE400... I then commit the DLL and push it to our repo. When I download the file from the repo, the DLL can't be loaded, and it has a hash starting with E004FB... Opening the DLL in a hex editor and using the compare feature, there's a single change to the file. In the original, the byte code starting at 0x0074 is 2E 0D 0D 0A 24. In the git file, the byte code starting at 0x0074 is 2E 0D 0A 24 A single carriage return character (0x0D) has been removed, and the file size has changed from 260,608 bytes to 260,607 bytes. I ruled out the possibility that the repo server was doing anything to the file because I deleted the file in my local repository then ran "git reset --hard HEAD" to restore the file, and the hash had once again changed to E004FB... OS: Windows 10.0.19043 pro git: 2.32.0.windows.1 I have no settings configured for git behavior handling line endings. The original DLL can be found here: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PSWindowsUpdate/ Navigate to "Manual Download", download the nuget package and unzip it. The file is PSWindowsUpdate.dll Thank you, Jonathon