On 11/08/21 07.15, Azeem Bande-Ali via GitGitGadget wrote:
If git detects typos and can identify exactly one valid command similar
- to the error, git will automatically run the intended command after
- waiting a duration of time defined by this configuration value in
- deciseconds (0.1 sec). If this value is 0, the suggested corrections
- will be shown, but not executed. If it is a negative integer, or
- "immediate", the suggested command
- is run immediately. If "never", suggestions are not shown at all. The
- default value is zero.
+ to the error, git will try to suggest the correct command or even
+ run the intended command.
+ If this config value is 0, then the suggested command will be shown.
+ If it is positive, the suggested command will automatically
+ run after waiting for that many deciseconds (0.1 sec).
+ If it is "immediate", the suggested command will be
+ run immediately.
+ If it is "prompt", then the user will be shown the
+ suggestion and will be prompted for confirmation before the command
+ is run.
+ If it is "never", then no suggestion will be shown and no command
+ will be run.
+ 0 is the default value for this config.
I think it's better to use bullet lists, e.g.:
If git detects typos and ...
... git will try to suggest the correct command or even run the intended
command. Possible values are:
- 0 (default): show the suggested command
- positive number: run the suggested command after specified
deciseconds (0.1 sec).
- "immediate": run the suggested command immediately
- "prompt": show the suggestion and prompt for confirmation to run
the command
- "never": don't show any suggestions nor run them
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