git blame has a very useful option --ignore-rev (or --ignore-rev-file) which allows ignoring of commits for the purpose of attributing blame. One use case for this option is a scenario where a repository was "cleaned" up for line breaks, e.g. via "git add --renormalize ." Alas, git blame with --ignore-rev will fall apart at runtime whenever the number of lines of code affected is high; it will show exponential increases in execution duration on linearly increasing line counts. The Python script below demonstrates the undesirable performance behaviour for a single text file and just two commits. In a real world scenario, with a repository-wide line-ending fix commit affecting a large number of _files_ (in addition to some files being large), performance behaviour will be even worse. The Python script below will initialize a new repo and do the reproduction dance fully isolated and offline; "matplotlib" as a dependency (pip install matplotlib) is a nice optional add-on to have, as it visualizes that on my system (i7-7820HQ, 2.9 GHz) runtime duration explodes exponentially at around 35000 lines of "Hello Hello" text. **************** #!/usr/bin/env bash # Beware - no error handling import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import shutil import subprocess import time from typing import Generator REPO_LOCATION="git-repository-container/git-repo" BLAME_ME_TXT="blame-me.txt" def run_iteration(line_count: int): shutil.rmtree(REPO_LOCATION, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(REPO_LOCATION, exist_ok=False) os.chdir(REPO_LOCATION)["git", "init"], capture_output=True)["git", "config", "--local", "", "me"], capture_output=True)["git", "config", "--local", "", "me@xxxxxxxxxxx"], capture_output=True) with open(".gitattributes", "w") as gitattributes: gitattributes.writelines("* text=crlf\n") def produce_some_file_content_sequence(line_count: int) -> Generator[str, None, None]: mytext: str = "Hello Hello\r\n" num = 0 while num < line_count: yield mytext num += 1 with open(BLAME_ME_TXT, "w") as blame_me: for line in produce_some_file_content_sequence(line_count): blame_me.writelines(line)["git", "add", "."], capture_output=True)["git", "commit", "-m", "Initial commit"], capture_output=True) capture =["git", "rev-list", "HEAD"], capture_output=True) initial_commit_rev = (capture.stdout).decode().strip() with open(".gitattributes", "w") as gitattributes: gitattributes.writelines("* text=auto\n")["git", "add", "--renormalize", "."], capture_output=True)["git", "commit", "-m", "Renormalized"], capture_output=True) capture =["git", "rev-list", "--max-count", "1", "HEAD"], capture_output=True) renormalized_commit_rev = (capture.stdout).decode().strip() blame_capture =["git", "blame", "-C ./", "--line-porcelain", "--ignore-rev", renormalized_commit_rev, "HEAD", BLAME_ME_TXT], capture_output=True) x=list[int]() y=list[float]() for factor in range(40): start = time.time() line_count = 1000 * factor x.append(line_count) print(f'Line count: {line_count}') run_iteration(line_count) end = time.time() duration = end - start print(duration) y.append(duration) plt.plot(x, y)