Hi Felipe,
Le 2021-07-17 à 15:34, Felipe Contreras a écrit :
Philippe Blain wrote:
Your recent clean-up of 'git pull --autostash' seems to unfortunately have made things
worse if the pull brings new files that conflict with existing untracked files,
which makes the pull abort,
and there are tracked files with modifications (so --autostash comes into play).
Before your change, 'git pull --no-rebase --autostash' did *not* apply the autostash
after the pull failed, thus loosing modifications to tracked files (and it did not save the
stash entry !). 'git pull --rebase --autostash' correctly applied the autostash, but ended with
a strange "error: could not detach HEAD".
After your change, both 'git pull --no-rebase --autostash' and 'git pull --rebase --autostash'
have the same buggy behaviour: they do not apply the autostash and do not save it in the stash list.
I had already documented the old behaviour at [1]. Here, I copy my reproducer script
(save it as "script"):
I cannot reproduce this. In my case the reproducer script never puts
anything in the stash list.
I tried again with GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL=/dev/null on my end (and manually
setting GIT_AUTHOR_{NAME,EMAIL}) to be sure that my config was not playing
a role, and I still reproduce. Copying the output from my 1st email
(for --rebase, but it's the same thing for --no-rebase):
** ./script --rebase --autostash **
+ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: file
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
+ git pull --rebase --autostash
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), 283 bytes | 94.00 KiB/s, done.
From /Users/Philippe/Code/GIT-devel/BUGS/ggg-759-pull-autotash-untracked/test
4ebab2f..fc7a169 master -> origin/master
Updating 4ebab2f..fc7a169
Created autostash: cfd51b5
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:
Please move or remove them before you merge.
Here is the bug: we should see "Applied autostash" after "Aborting". The 'git status'
below is to verify that the autostash was indeed not applied, and the
'git stash list' was to check if the autostash was at least available
in the stash list (it's not).
+ git status
On branch master
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use "git pull" to update your local branch)
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
+ git stash list
# empty!
Back to your reply:
Moreover, this is not an issue of `git pull`, but `git merge`.
I can reproduce the problem that the modifications are lost like this:
git init test
cd test
date >> file
git add file
git commit -m 'add file'
date >> other
git add other
git commit -m 'add other'
git checkout -b topic @~
date >> other
date >> file
git status
git "$@" master
git status
git stash list
Running this with 'rebase --autostash' fails and nothing is put in the
stash list, but the modifications to 'file' remain. I think this is the
correct behavior.
Yes. We see the following output:
Created autostash: 69775ee
Applied autostash.
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/topic.
The code correctly applied the autostash after the rebase, so it's
normal it's not kept in the stash list. I agree it's the correct behaviour.
But with 'merge --autostash' the modifications to 'file' are lost. That
is a bug, and it's already present in v2.32.
That's also true. From what I understand it dates back to the introduction
of 'git merge --autostash'.
Do you agree?
I agree that the bug with 'merge --autostash' was already present in v2.32.0.
But since your 340062243a (pull: cleanup autostash check, 2021-06-17),
'git pull --rebase --autostash' calls 'git merge --autostash' in the fast-forward
case, and so we hit the bug, which was not the case before since the fast-forward
merge shortcut was skipped if '--autostash' was given for 'git pull --rebase'.
The fix I suggested in [1] seems to fix both cases, but as I wrote there
it still leaves two code paths that might trigger the bug. I'm not familiar
at all with the code for these two code paths, so I'm not ready to send
a formal patch; I thought I'd send the diff anyway if you or Denton (or anyone
else) wants to start from there.
[1] https://lore.kernel.org/git/a0071549-73f6-9636-9279-3f01143a05de@xxxxxxxxx/T/#me6fd1cebbcbc91365bb1deff857c2fcf72db8d2d