Hello, Originally this bug was reported in the Git for Windows project and contains two screenshots: https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/3321 Johannes Schindelin (dscho) is convinced that this is not a Windows-specific issue. Following is a brief description of this bug as I've faced it: After running the "git submodule set-branch --branch master -- ms1" I've noticed that the .gitmodules file is encoded with both DOS and UNIX End-of-Line characters simultaneously: all original lines use DOS EOL characters but the added "branch = master" line uses UNIX EOL. Found on the following environment: $ git --version --build-options git version 2.32.0.windows.2 cpu: x86_64 built from commit: 3d45ac813c4adf97fe3733c1f763ab6617d5add5 sizeof-long: 4 sizeof-size_t: 8 shell-path: /bin/sh feature: fsmonitor--daemon $ cmd.exe /c ver Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1083] $ cat /etc/install-options.txt Editor Option: VIM Custom Editor Path: Default Branch Option: Path Option: Cmd SSH Option: OpenSSH Tortoise Option: false CURL Option: OpenSSL CRLF Option: CRLFAlways Bash Terminal Option: MinTTY Git Pull Behavior Option: Merge Use Credential Manager: Core Performance Tweaks FSCache: Enabled Enable Symlinks: Enabled Enable Pseudo Console Support: Disabled Enable FSMonitor: Disabled Comments of Johannes Schindelin (dscho) in the GitHub bug report: > I don't believe that Git considers its config files free game regarding line endings. > Therefore, I think that having DOS line endings in there is already a violation of Git's > assumptions. In any case, this is not a Windows-specific issue, even if DOS line > endings are much more prevalent on Windows than on other platforms. Please take > it to the Git mailing list (send plain-text messages, HTML messages are dropped > silently).