Answering to myself ...
cvsps was the culprit.
I reverted to the unmodified 2.1 version (tag 2.1 without any patches
from the git repository) and suddently I was able to convert some cvs
But other projects are still causing problem.
- on one project it fail after 2 successful commits with :
fatal: Not a valid object name refs/heads/DEV_2_1_1
read-tree failed: 32768
- another is failing on a specific subdirectory (idealy the project
would be one directory up, in .../Wonder/Ajax/Ajax, but the
Components subdirectory importation systematicaly fail) :
09:50:26: git cvsimport -v
jfveillette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's password:
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/jfv/Developement/
Running cvsps...
jfveillette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's password:
cvs_direct initialized to CVSROOT /cvsroot/wonder
cvs rlog: Logging Wonder/Ajax/Ajax/Components
DONE; creating master branch
fatal: refs/heads/origin: not a valid SHA1
fatal: master: not a valid SHA1
warning: You appear to be on a branch yet to be born.
warning: Forcing checkout of HEAD.
fatal: just how do you expect me to merge 0 trees?
checkout failed: 256
BTW, the output from « cvsps -g » (generating patches) seem to
succeed even when cvsimport fail. Is there a tool that will take the
patches from cvsps and directly import them in git ?
I tried git-am but it failed.
Again, any pointer is welcome to help resolve issues with importing
cvs projects.
Thanks to Michael for pointing out cvs2svn,I haven't tried it yet.
- jfv
Le 07-08-31 à 10:31, Jean-François Veillette a écrit :
I can't get git-cvsimport to convert a cvs project to git (full log
I always get :
fatal: Not a valid object name refs/heads/HEAD
read-tree failed: 32768
I'm a relatively new to git. I would like to convert my project and
track external projects with git.
But cvsimport seem to fail. Any pointer to help me resolve the
issue is welcome !
- jfv
Detail informations ...
host info (uname -a) :
Darwin localhost 8.10.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.10.0: Wed May 23
16:50:59 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.21.3~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh
git --version
git version 1.5.3.rc7.16.ge340d-dirty
cvsps version 2.1 (got the git repository, merged 'master' with
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