Hello everyone OS: manjaro 20.2.1 git version: 2.30.0 I've noticed the command `git --git-dir=<path> shortlog` It gives me some interesting output $ git --git-dir=<path> shortlog --summary --email --numbered --committer HEAD --end-of-options | wc -l When run it, it will tell me how many committers on repo of <path> But when run it on git repo dir, something interesting happened $ git clone --bare https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq.git $ git clone https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly.git $ git --git-dir=./gitlabhq.git shortlog --summary --email --numbered --committer HEAD --end-of-options | wc -l > 2592 Ok, we can known the gitlab have 2592 committers on HEAD (refs/heads/master) ref Then something magical happened $ cd gitaly $ git --git-dir=../gitlabhq.git shortlog --summary --email --numbered --committer HEAD --end-of-options | wc -l > 2587 Obviously these two outputs are inconsistent, and the second command was affected by the `gitaly repo` Shouldn't I use `--git-dir` to point to a bare repo? Or something else went wrong? Thank u!