El 23/8/2007, a las 0:25, David Kastrup escribió:
Pretty much _any_ complex extensible system nowadays comes with a
scripting/pattern/macro language of choice, and this language is, for
a variety of reasons, rarely C.
But Git isn't really a "complex extensible system" relatively
speaking. It's actually a remarkably simple version control system,
both in terms of its design and in the number of lines of code to
implement that design. You already have all the extensibility you
will ever need in the form of the command set (about 144 commands by
my count) and you're free to script them to your heart's content; the
fact that some of these commands are being slowly migrated over to C
is an implementation detail that shouldn't really affect you as a
user at all, except indirectly in the sense that:
- it should run more quickly
- it should compile and work correctly more easily and with fewer
dependencies on more platforms
And if you accept Linus' point about the maintainability of C projects:
- the overall quality of the code should be higher because fewer
cycles will be burnt in maintenance
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