> From: Jason Pyeron <jpyeron@xxxxxxxx> > Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 3:09 PM > > I am about to make a release for logwatch tonight. Historically the files are owned by logwatch in the > tgz file. When I use git archive it is owned by uid 0, is there an option to set the uid/uname, > gid/gname owner of the files? Answer: not at this time, as it is hard coded in the source. archive-tar.c: static void prepare_header(struct archiver_args *args, struct ustar_header *header, unsigned int mode, unsigned long size) { xsnprintf(header->mode, sizeof(header->mode), "%07o", mode & 07777); xsnprintf(header->size, sizeof(header->size), "%011"PRIoMAX , S_ISREG(mode) ? (uintmax_t)size : (uintmax_t)0); xsnprintf(header->mtime, sizeof(header->mtime), "%011lo", (unsigned long) args->time); xsnprintf(header->uid, sizeof(header->uid), "%07o", 0); xsnprintf(header->gid, sizeof(header->gid), "%07o", 0); strlcpy(header->uname, "root", sizeof(header->uname)); strlcpy(header->gname, "root", sizeof(header->gname)); meh.