Yes, sorry, they are there, it is only the sort order placing the newest ones further up in the list. Using page down to go down the long list of numerous screenfuls, the missing ones were not shown on the final screen so I didn't see them, and it ended at 5.9-rc8 instead of going to 5.10 and 5.11 as I had expected. I thought perhaps there was some limit on the number of tags shown, but couldn't find any reference to a limit searching online, and less itself can display long man pages without problem. git --no-pager tag shows the same thing echo $LESS echo $GIT_PAGER git config core.pager git config pager.tag All return nothing. echo $PAGER less Changing PAGER to more uses more for git tag instead, but gives the same result. So this was indeed using less as the pager. Thank you for the helpful answers, I've only used git with smaller repos before and hadn't encountered that effect previously.