Dear all,I finally had the time to start converting some older Subversion repositories to git repositiers and run into issues with repos using "parallel" branches, so-called vendor branches [1] in Subversion to track upstream changes via snapshots in a separate branch and merge them into the custom build on trunk.
Just wanting to convert the Subversion history as-is to git.I studied the git-svn reference docs [2] plus the related chapter of the ProGit book [3] and assume that I understood how git-svn works.
Still I'm not a git expert, just a sporadic user.Somehow `git svn fetch` ( looses merge information between vendor branch and trunk plus tags are referencing the predecessors instead of the original ancestor. Maybe there is a manual way to fix this for that small repository, but it wouldn't be feasible for larger repositories, that's why I deceided to write this bug report.
Is there anything I missed? (see my procedure below)Fortunately I ran quite early into these issues and also with a very small repository of just 11 commits, so I can provide a small reproduction case (see below after the links).
Hoping you can enhance `git svn fetch`. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance Matthias Bücher [Links][1]
[System Info] git version: git version cpu: x86_64 built from commit: d054eb1fc46ff23e7c95756a7c747e2f2864b478 sizeof-long: 4 sizeof-size_t: 8 shell-path: /bin/sh uname: Windows 10.0 19042 compiler info: gnuc: 10.2 libc info: no libc information available$SHELL (typically, interactive shell): C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe
[Enabled Hooks] none [Commits in Subversion]A Subversion repository dump is attached, plus a test where I recreated the same history directly in a git repository without an issue.
* trunk: a------------d--e--h--i--j--k * / / * vendor: a (empty)--b-----f * ^ ^ * tags: c g * Vendor releases: b, f * Custom modifications: e, i, j, k* Tags: really just used as tags, although Subversion internally they are branches. Therefore wanting to create lightweight git tags, although annotated git tags would be fine too.
[Expected Subversion to git repo conversion] * trunk => branch "main" * branches/* => branch "*" * tags/* => tag "*"* vendor/current => branch "vendor/current" (can be renamed later to just "vendor")
* vendor/* => tag "vendor/*" (except for vendor/current) Expected "tags": vendor/5.4 = rev b (maybe c when annotated) vendor/5.8 = rev f (maybe g when annotated) [Wrong Results] Merges from "vendor/current" branch to trunk get lost. Tags are referencing the predecessors of the expected commit. [Procedure] ``` ### a) preparation cd /d/Coding # cd dd-formmailersvn log --xml --quiet | grep author | sort -u | perl -pe 's/.*>(.*?)<.*/$1 = /' > authors-transform.txt
## edit authors-transform.txt accordingly ### b) git-svn adapted from ProGit book, but with "svn/" prefix cd /d/Codinggit svn init --stdlayout --no-metadata --prefix="svn/" -- 'svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer' dd-formmailer-git
cd dd-formmailer-git ## edit .git/config for additional vendor branches and tags << __EOF ... [svn-remote "svn"] ... fetch = trunk:refs/remotes/svn/trunk# branches = vendor/current:refs/remotes/svn/vendor/current ## non-glob definition not working for branches
branches = vendor/{current}:refs/remotes/svn/vendor/* branches = branches/*:refs/remotes/svn/* tags = vendor/*:refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/* tags = tags/*:refs/remotes/svn/tags/* __EOF ## cat .git/config git svn fetch --authors-file ../dd-formmailer/authors-transform.txt # git branch -vv --list ; git for-each-ref gitk --all & ``` [Log] $ cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false bare = false logallrefupdates = true symlinks = false ignorecase = true [svn-remote "svn"] noMetadata = 1 url = svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer fetch = trunk:refs/remotes/svn/trunk branches = vendor/{current}:refs/remotes/svn/vendor/* branches = branches/*:refs/remotes/svn/* tags = vendor/*:refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/* tags = tags/*:refs/remotes/svn/tags/* $ git svn fetch --authors-file ../dd-formmailer/authors-transform.txtr1 = 158d53044a5628897379403647a19ea13594b532 (refs/remotes/svn/vendor/current)
A _svn__guideline.txt A _svn_client_config.txt A _svn_dir_ignore_list.txt r1 = a795b654edbc296e6f38da398f032a4851fd0a9e (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) A dd-formmailer.css A dd-formmailer.php A lang/BrazilianPortuguese.php A lang/Catalan.php A lang/Danish.php A lang/Deutsch.php A lang/Dutch.php A lang/English.php A lang/Finnish.php A lang/French.php A lang/Greek.php A lang/Italian.php A lang/NorwegianBokmaal.php A lang/Polish.php A lang/Portuguese.php A lang/Romanian.php A lang/Russian.php A lang/Slovak.php A lang/Slovene.php A lang/Spanish.php A lang/Swedish.php A lang/Turkish.php A recaptchalib.phpr2 = 8fd8668dbed2dde6b55306c71b3b629f5ed794ec (refs/remotes/svn/vendor/current) Found possible branch point: svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/vendor/current => svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/vendor/5.4, 1 Found branch parent: (refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.4) 158d53044a5628897379403647a19ea13594b532
Following parent with do_switch A dd-formmailer.css A dd-formmailer.php A lang/BrazilianPortuguese.php A lang/Catalan.php A lang/Danish.php A lang/Deutsch.php A lang/Dutch.php A lang/English.php A lang/Finnish.php A lang/French.php A lang/Greek.php A lang/Italian.php A lang/NorwegianBokmaal.php A lang/Polish.php A lang/Portuguese.php A lang/Romanian.php A lang/Russian.php A lang/Slovak.php A lang/Slovene.php A lang/Spanish.php A lang/Swedish.php A lang/Turkish.php A recaptchalib.php Successfully followed parentr3 = 7ab4f436cafc8af3ed2e727a6d8cbef1a8f8b39f (refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.4)
A dd-formmailer.css A dd-formmailer.php A lang/BrazilianPortuguese.php A lang/Catalan.php A lang/Danish.php A lang/Deutsch.php A lang/Dutch.php A lang/English.php A lang/Finnish.php A lang/French.php A lang/Greek.php A lang/Italian.php A lang/NorwegianBokmaal.php A lang/Polish.php A lang/Portuguese.php A lang/Romanian.php A lang/Russian.php A lang/Slovak.php A lang/Slovene.php A lang/Spanish.php A lang/Swedish.php A lang/Turkish.php A recaptchalib.php r4 = 7ec3663fd8e7c9fcfeb2742968a948d6978776d4 (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) M dd-formmailer.css M dd-formmailer.php A dd-verify.php r5 = e65ba2bdcd12a1935c1a327507dad6b7117f452b (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) A calendar.gif A date_chooser.js M dd-formmailer.css M dd-formmailer.php A lang/Belarussian.php A lang/Czech.php A lang/Estonian.php A lang/Japanese.php A lang/Vietnamese.php M recaptchalib.phpr6 = 9f95df7ce49c5d1cb4715017d223a8bd1c8dcffc (refs/remotes/svn/vendor/current) Found possible branch point: svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/vendor/current => svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/vendor/5.8, 3 Found branch parent: (refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.8) 8fd8668dbed2dde6b55306c71b3b629f5ed794ec
Following parent with do_switch A calendar.gif A date_chooser.js M dd-formmailer.css M dd-formmailer.php A lang/Belarussian.php A lang/Czech.php A lang/Estonian.php A lang/Japanese.php A lang/Vietnamese.php M recaptchalib.php Successfully followed parentr7 = cc00cb187386298cf974dda69f151d2ad4795917 (refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.8)
A calendar.gif A date_chooser.js M dd-formmailer.css M dd-formmailer.php M dd-verify.php A lang/Belarussian.php A lang/Czech.php A lang/Estonian.php A lang/Japanese.php A lang/Vietnamese.php M recaptchalib.php Checking svn:mergeinfo changes since r5: 1 sources, 1 changedW: Cannot find common ancestor between e65ba2bdcd12a1935c1a327507dad6b7117f452b and 9f95df7ce49c5d1cb4715017d223a8bd1c8dcffc. Ignoring merge info.
r8 = 9a5cd8f55f377f469280171cd87219b8f528c693 (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) M dd-formmailer.php r9 = 8143782376d9fbc91a9181b367b72701205b017f (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) M dd-formmailer.php r10 = 6f563fc4c511ddcc53c2ffc5d26c1e116725bc6b (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) M _svn_client_config.txt r11 = e9130854178d2c2743a981f303cdd7f34e54b052 (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) svnserve: E210002: Network connection closed unexpectedly Checked out HEAD: svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/trunk r11 $ git branch -vv --list ; git for-each-ref * main e913085 Updated client config for Windows Scripts e9130854178d2c2743a981f303cdd7f34e54b052 commit refs/heads/main7ab4f436cafc8af3ed2e727a6d8cbef1a8f8b39f commit refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.4 cc00cb187386298cf974dda69f151d2ad4795917 commit refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.8
e9130854178d2c2743a981f303cdd7f34e54b052 commit refs/remotes/svn/trunk9f95df7ce49c5d1cb4715017d223a8bd1c8dcffc commit refs/remotes/svn/vendor/current
Procerdure: =========== ### a) preparation cd /d/Coding # cd dd-formmailer svn log --xml --quiet | grep author | sort -u | perl -pe 's/.*>(.*?)<.*/$1 = /' > authors-transform.txt ## edit authors-transform.txt accordingly ### b) git-svn adapted from ProGit book, but with "svn/" prefix cd /d/Coding git svn init --stdlayout --no-metadata --prefix="svn/" -- 'svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer' dd-formmailer-git cd dd-formmailer-git ## edit .git/config for additional branches and tags << __EOF ... [svn-remote "svn"] ... fetch = trunk:refs/remotes/svn/trunk branches = vendor/{current}:refs/remotes/svn/vendor/* branches = branches/*:refs/remotes/svn/* tags = vendor/*:refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/* tags = tags/*:refs/remotes/svn/tags/* __EOF ## cat .git/config git svn fetch --authors-file ../dd-formmailer/authors-transform.txt # git branch -vv --list ; git for-each-ref gitk --all & Log: ==== $ cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false bare = false logallrefupdates = true symlinks = false ignorecase = true [svn-remote "svn"] noMetadata = 1 url = svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer fetch = trunk:refs/remotes/svn/trunk branches = vendor/{current}:refs/remotes/svn/vendor/* branches = branches/*:refs/remotes/svn/* tags = vendor/*:refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/* tags = tags/*:refs/remotes/svn/tags/* $ git svn fetch --authors-file ../dd-formmailer/authors-transform.txt r1 = 158d53044a5628897379403647a19ea13594b532 (refs/remotes/svn/vendor/current) A _svn__guideline.txt A _svn_client_config.txt A _svn_dir_ignore_list.txt r1 = a795b654edbc296e6f38da398f032a4851fd0a9e (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) A dd-formmailer.css A dd-formmailer.php A lang/BrazilianPortuguese.php A lang/Catalan.php A lang/Danish.php A lang/Deutsch.php A lang/Dutch.php A lang/English.php A lang/Finnish.php A lang/French.php A lang/Greek.php A lang/Italian.php A lang/NorwegianBokmaal.php A lang/Polish.php A lang/Portuguese.php A lang/Romanian.php A lang/Russian.php A lang/Slovak.php A lang/Slovene.php A lang/Spanish.php A lang/Swedish.php A lang/Turkish.php A recaptchalib.php r2 = 8fd8668dbed2dde6b55306c71b3b629f5ed794ec (refs/remotes/svn/vendor/current) Found possible branch point: svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/vendor/current => svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/vendor/5.4, 1 Found branch parent: (refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.4) 158d53044a5628897379403647a19ea13594b532 Following parent with do_switch A dd-formmailer.css A dd-formmailer.php A lang/BrazilianPortuguese.php A lang/Catalan.php A lang/Danish.php A lang/Deutsch.php A lang/Dutch.php A lang/English.php A lang/Finnish.php A lang/French.php A lang/Greek.php A lang/Italian.php A lang/NorwegianBokmaal.php A lang/Polish.php A lang/Portuguese.php A lang/Romanian.php A lang/Russian.php A lang/Slovak.php A lang/Slovene.php A lang/Spanish.php A lang/Swedish.php A lang/Turkish.php A recaptchalib.php Successfully followed parent r3 = 7ab4f436cafc8af3ed2e727a6d8cbef1a8f8b39f (refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.4) A dd-formmailer.css A dd-formmailer.php A lang/BrazilianPortuguese.php A lang/Catalan.php A lang/Danish.php A lang/Deutsch.php A lang/Dutch.php A lang/English.php A lang/Finnish.php A lang/French.php A lang/Greek.php A lang/Italian.php A lang/NorwegianBokmaal.php A lang/Polish.php A lang/Portuguese.php A lang/Romanian.php A lang/Russian.php A lang/Slovak.php A lang/Slovene.php A lang/Spanish.php A lang/Swedish.php A lang/Turkish.php A recaptchalib.php r4 = 7ec3663fd8e7c9fcfeb2742968a948d6978776d4 (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) M dd-formmailer.css M dd-formmailer.php A dd-verify.php r5 = e65ba2bdcd12a1935c1a327507dad6b7117f452b (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) A calendar.gif A date_chooser.js M dd-formmailer.css M dd-formmailer.php A lang/Belarussian.php A lang/Czech.php A lang/Estonian.php A lang/Japanese.php A lang/Vietnamese.php M recaptchalib.php r6 = 9f95df7ce49c5d1cb4715017d223a8bd1c8dcffc (refs/remotes/svn/vendor/current) Found possible branch point: svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/vendor/current => svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/vendor/5.8, 3 Found branch parent: (refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.8) 8fd8668dbed2dde6b55306c71b3b629f5ed794ec Following parent with do_switch A calendar.gif A date_chooser.js M dd-formmailer.css M dd-formmailer.php A lang/Belarussian.php A lang/Czech.php A lang/Estonian.php A lang/Japanese.php A lang/Vietnamese.php M recaptchalib.php Successfully followed parent r7 = cc00cb187386298cf974dda69f151d2ad4795917 (refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.8) A calendar.gif A date_chooser.js M dd-formmailer.css M dd-formmailer.php M dd-verify.php A lang/Belarussian.php A lang/Czech.php A lang/Estonian.php A lang/Japanese.php A lang/Vietnamese.php M recaptchalib.php Checking svn:mergeinfo changes since r5: 1 sources, 1 changed W: Cannot find common ancestor between e65ba2bdcd12a1935c1a327507dad6b7117f452b and 9f95df7ce49c5d1cb4715017d223a8bd1c8dcffc. Ignoring merge info. r8 = 9a5cd8f55f377f469280171cd87219b8f528c693 (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) M dd-formmailer.php r9 = 8143782376d9fbc91a9181b367b72701205b017f (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) M dd-formmailer.php r10 = 6f563fc4c511ddcc53c2ffc5d26c1e116725bc6b (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) M _svn_client_config.txt r11 = e9130854178d2c2743a981f303cdd7f34e54b052 (refs/remotes/svn/trunk) svnserve: E210002: Network connection closed unexpectedly Checked out HEAD: svn+ssh://svn@vcs/dd-formmailer/trunk r11 $ git branch -vv --list ; git for-each-ref * main e913085 Updated client config for Windows Scripts e9130854178d2c2743a981f303cdd7f34e54b052 commit refs/heads/main 7ab4f436cafc8af3ed2e727a6d8cbef1a8f8b39f commit refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.4 cc00cb187386298cf974dda69f151d2ad4795917 commit refs/remotes/svn/tags/vendor/5.8 e9130854178d2c2743a981f303cdd7f34e54b052 commit refs/remotes/svn/trunk 9f95df7ce49c5d1cb4715017d223a8bd1c8dcffc commit refs/remotes/svn/vendor/current
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