I initially raised this as a FR with my git UI of choice, and was told that it was actually something that git itself would need to do ... and that the standard way to raise Feature Requests was to email this list. Apologies if that's not actually what I should be doing - please let me know if this is not an intended use. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= During an interactive rebase, the text file defining the operations has a command option for "fixup". This will squash the target commit into the previous commit (listed above it in the file), and automatically use the commit message of the previous commit (thus bypassing the "choose the commit message" dialog/file). Can we have a similar convenience-command that squashes, and retains the second commit's message? Purpose is the same as the fixup command - saving a bit of time and unnecessary typing during a common operation. Am happy to suggest names and/or shorthand keys for it, if the idea is acceptable. Yours, Brondahl