Hello, I wanted to know if this is normal and wanted, if git bash is limited to 64 windows at the same time. In theory this is not a problem, it is normal that there are limits but why there are no explicit error messages. For example, when I use git bash in Visual Code Studio, it produces output error '256' but no message like 'Too many Git bash at one time'. If we do it from a terminal, we get no message. >From a certain point of view, we can say that it is normal if there is no error because we could say 'who runs 64 git bash and does not realize it?'.But in some cases, for example in Visual Code Studio, there is only a small number that shows how many git bashs are running. Here is Visual Code's response to this problem: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/109982 If you want to give it a try, here's a command that may come in handy: for((i=1;i<=40;i++)); do start ./git-bash.exe; done Thanks for taking the time to read n4n5