Hi Ramsay, On Tue, 3 Nov 2020, Ramsay Jones wrote: > On 02/11/2020 18:55, Junio C Hamano wrote: > > > CI builds already have enough stuff around invocation of "make test" > > etc., and it would be trivial to pass SPARSE_FLAGS from the command > > line when adding "make sparse" invocation to one of the scripts in ci/ > > directory, so from that point of view, this patch is not needed for > > them, either. > > My concern was more about how the CI system obtains/installs/builds a > sufficiently new version of sparse. Otherwise, 'make sparse' won't do > very much. ;-) As I said, I don't know what's involved in getting that > to work. As mentioned in https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/issues/345, there is a Pipeline that builds sparse packages for Ubuntu, ready for use in our CI build: https://dev.azure.com/git/git/_build?definitionId=10&_a=summary. Currently, it is scheduled to run every weekday at 5:00am (I assume that's UTC). So I went ahead and added more details to the ticket, essentially demonstrating how the `sparse` package can be downloaded and installed in the CI build in a Bash step: -- snip -- urlbase=https://dev.azure.com/git/git/_apis/build/builds id=$(curl "$urlbase?definitions=10&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&\$top=1" | json_pp | sed -n 's/^ "id" : \([1-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p') download_url="$(curl "$urlbase/$id/artifacts" | json_pp | sed -n '/^ {/{:1;N;/\n }/b2;b1;:2;/"name" : "sparse"/{s/.*"downloadUrl" : "\([^"]*\).*/\1/p}}')" curl -Lo sparse.zip "$download_url" unzip sparse.zip sudo dpkg -i sparse/*.deb -- snap -- It is quite likely that the ugly and unwieldy `json_pp | sed` things could be replaced by elegant `jq` calls. Ciao, Dscho