Hello Git, How to reproduce: do commit message with leading space: $git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit * 093010ea (local/dev) Change column 'Label' => 'OPFG' and added column 'comment' * 86221a47 Updated OpenAPI schema according to SCHEMA 193 * 6202eb08 Added opfg.html $git rebase -i --autostash --rebase-merges 86221a47^ label onto reset onto pick 86221a47 Updated OpenAPI schema according to SCHEMA 193 pick 093010ea Change column 'Label' => 'OPFG' and added column 'comment' Here commit message is shown without leading space. I think that this is wrong. Because if space was shown then I reword commit message r 86221a47 Updated OpenAPI schema according to SCHEMA 193 pick 093010ea Change column 'Label' => 'OPFG' and added column 'comment' but now I just do not see that I shold reword it =( TODO: Display commit message as is -- Best regards, Eugen Konkov