I pushed the following patch to 4msysgit.git's mob branch
[ I finally found the mob branch at
which apparently was one git too much for my brain. ]
commit a9a42a347894edfbca33e48bed0fcd38ec334a35
help (msysgit): teach git help to open html from /doc/git/html/
Html pages will be opened using the default Windows application
configured for html. This code path is taken for msysgit (mingw).
It is assumed that html pages are installed at /doc/git/html.
This needs to be ensured by the msysgit superproject to make this
patch useful. html pages should be cloned from git.git's main
repo. This is the easiest way to get up-to-date documentation,
without requiring the complete tool chain to generate them
If html pages are not yet there, you can use the following
commands to get them:
mkdir -p /doc/git/html
cd /doc/git/html/
git init
git config remote.origin.url git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/
git config remote.origin.fetch refs/heads/html:refs/remotes/
git fetch
git checkout --track -b html origin/html
and update the html documentation with
git pull
The superproject should be setup in /share/GitMe/setup-msysgit.sh to
fetch the html pages as a submodule. But I don't understanding
submodules good enough to do so.
If you then type 'git help <command>' Firefox or Explorer or whatever
you configured as your default html viewer will show you the git help.
I think this is a good idea for Windows users.
are you interested in such patches at this time. The patch doesn't
interfere with the existing code, but clutters it with ifdefs.
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