Re: git-svn: Finding the svn-URL of the current branch in git

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Peter Baumann wrote:
I had this situation, too.

			a = svn branch 'a'
	  m		b = svn branch 'b' (in my case, it was trunk)
      /   \		m = a merge of branch 'a' and 'b', not yet commited to svn
     a     b

So trying to dcommit m, git svn can't figure out on which branch, as 'a'
and 'b' are both reachable. I had to use a graft file to lose one of the
parents, which let git-svn commit to SVN.
You're right, both 'a' and 'b' are reachable from 'm'.  But if I got it 
right 'm' also contains information as to which one is the first parent 
and thereby which branch we're on. So wouldn't it be enough, if git-svn 
automatically chose the first parent (using log --first-parent)?
So for a short fix to get the work done, you could create a graft file
where you fake m to only have one parent.

Thanks for that one. I didn't know about the grafts file before.


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