I'm running git under Cygwin on Windows XP. This is what I'm
(reproducibly) getting if I try to clone QGit's repository:
sschuber@xp-sschuber2 ~
$ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/qgit/qgit4.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/sschuber/qgit4/.git/
remote: Generating pack...
remote: Done counting 2295 objects.
remote: Deltifying 2295 objects...
remote: 100% (2295/2295) done
Indexing 2295 objects...
remote: Total 2295 (delta 1793), reused 1218 (delta 955)
100% (2295/2295) done
Resolving 1793 deltas...
100% (1793/1793) done
: not a valid SHA1b870df7cde1e05ee76d1d15ea428f
fatal: Not a valid object name HEAD
sschuber@xp-sschuber2 ~
$ git --version
git version
I'm not sure whether the cause for this is the same as mentioned at
However, the most recent msysGit worked fine for me. Any clues whether
this is a repository problem, a Cygwin problem, or a git problem?
Sebastian Schuberth
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