Hi, There are some problems here. I have configured the character encoding in .gitconfig: ```yaml [core] quotepath = false [gui] encoding = utf-8 [i18n] commitencoding = utf-8 logoutputencoding = utf-8 ``` and Git Bash configed: Options > Text > Locale: zh_CN, Character set: UTF-8 However, when executing `git pull/reset/status`, Chinese characters still appeared garbled. ```bash Xiang@Xiang MINGW64 /c/me/front-end-note (master) $ git reset --hard df576e2 HEAD is now at df576e2 doc: 琛ュ厖 ES5 缁ф壙 ``` `git pull`: ```bash Xiang@Xiang MINGW64 /c/me/front-end-note (master) $ git pull Updating df576e2..bd2894b Fast-forward AngularJS/assets/AngularJS-Component-LifeCycle.png | Bin 0 -> 154433 bytes AngularJS/chapter/Components.md | 2 + AngularJS/chapter/Scopes.md | 18 ++- ESLint.md | 118 ++++++++++++++ NPM.md | 173 +++++++++++++-------- React/Context.md | 3 + React/Refs.md | 47 ++++++ React/react-architecture.png | Bin 0 -> 56624 bytes React/react-lifecycle-methods-diagram.png | Bin 0 -> 41677 bytes React/鍗忚皟.md | 33 ++++ i18n 瑙e喅鏂规.md | 76 +++++++++ 浠g爜鐩綍鏂囦欢缁撴瀯.md | 15 ++ 娣卞叆鐞嗚ВES6/9.JavaScript涓殑绫?md | 13 +- 13 files changed, 426 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-) create mode 100644 AngularJS/assets/AngularJS-Component-LifeCycle.png create mode 100644 ESLint.md create mode 100644 React/Context.md create mode 100644 React/Refs.md create mode 100644 React/react-architecture.png create mode 100644 React/react-lifecycle-methods-diagram.png create mode 100644 React/鍗忚皟.md create mode 100644 i18n 瑙e喅鏂规.md create mode 100644 浠g爜鐩綍鏂囦欢缁撴瀯.md ``` `git status`: ```bash Xiang@Xiang MINGW64 /c/me/front-end-note (master) $ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: 浜夎涓庢帰绱?md no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") ``` `git log` command is correct: ```bash Xiang@Xiang MINGW64 /c/me/front-end-note (master) $ git log --oneline -3 bd2894b (HEAD -> master, origin/master) i18n 73dceea 代码目录文件结构 89121aa 更新 NPM ``` My environment: - windows 10 home chinese edition - git version 2.28.0.windows.1 This problem did not appear in the previous version, and we look forward to fixing it. Thanks Xiang 2020/8/1 -- Live Long and Prosper.