On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 11:28 AM bruce <badouglas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hi. > > As a test, I cloned a repo to my local machine. > > I then made a few changes to files. > > I'm now trying to push the files/repo to the new Github repo > > It appears I'm missing something. No matter what I'm doing, the new > repo in Github, is populated with the files from the initial/cloned > repo. > > The steps I've used > > mkdir foo > cd foo > git clone http:/github.com/foo/cat.git > > git remote rename origin upstream > git remote add origin https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git > git remote -v > master https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git (fetch) > master https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git (push) > origin https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git (fetch) > origin https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git (push) > remote https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git (fetch) > remote https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git (push) > upstream https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git (fetch) > upstream https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git (push) You don't really need the same remote URL 4 times; it looks like you could just remove "master", "remote" and "upstream" as they're all the same as "origin". (It's unlikely this is causing any problem; it just means you have 4 remote-tracking refs for each branch in numinds/testapp. > > git push origin master > Username for 'https://github.com': numinds > Password for 'https://numinds@xxxxxxxxxx': > Enumerating objects: 3050, done. > Counting objects: 100% (3050/3050), done. > Compressing objects: 100% (2816/2816), done. > Writing objects: 100% (3050/3050), 6.01 MiB | 15.23 MiB/s, done. > Total 3050 (delta 120), reused 3050 (delta 120) > remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (120/120), done. > > To https://github.com/numinds/testapp.git > > * [new branch] master -> master > > Obviously, I'm missing something in the process. So you're explicitly pushing "master". Is that the branch you have checked out? What does "git branch" or "git status" show? If you have some other branch checked out but you push "master", then your changes won't be visible. Your example steps don't actually show anything related to making changes. They show your remotes (excessive, but functional) and they show a successful push. They don't show you modifying any files or committing any files. Perhaps you can provide some more details? Everything you've shown so far looks fine. Best regards, Bryan Turner