Hi Konstantin, > Le 29 juin 2020 à 06:18, Konstantin Kharlamov <hi-angel@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit : > > Git is able to recognise functions/variables changed, and even allows to see the history of such identifier with `-L` option. > > But I couldn't find: how does one get a list of such identifiers in `git log` or `git diff`? This would be particularly useful for projects with odd requirements to have a list of identifiers changed in the commit message. > > FTR, the diff text after the "@@…@@" does not cut it because for example if the diff is at the beginning of the function, then it would have a name of the previous function, i.e. not the one modified. As a hack, I tried passing an option `-U0`, but that didn't help, for one-line identifiers it still shows the name of the prev. identifier. As far as I'm aware this is a limitation of the diff machinery. I agree with you that it would be really nice if it could work as you describe... Cheers, Philippe.