This does not seem to play well with what is in flight. Tests seem to pass with topics up to es/config-hooks merged but not with this topic merged on top. 1b5d3d8260 Merge branch 'ds/commit-graph-bloom-updates' into seen 32169c595c Merge branch 'es/config-hooks' into seen ... $ sh -i -v ends like so: ok 133 - Use Bloom filters if they exist in the latest but not all commit graphs in the chain. expecting success of 4216.134 'persist filter settings': test_when_finished rm -rf .git/objects/info/commit-graph* && GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace2.txt" git commit-graph write --reachable --changed-paths && grep "{\"hash_version\":1,\"num_hashes\":7,\"bits_per_entry\":10}" trace2.txt && cp .git/objects/info/commit-graph commit-graph-before && corrupt_graph $BASE_K_BYTE_OFFSET "\09" && corrupt_graph $BASE_LEN_BYTE_OFFSET "\0F" && cp .git/objects/info/commit-graph commit-graph-after && test_commit c18 A/corrupt && GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace2.txt" git commit-graph write --reachable --changed-paths && grep "{\"hash_version\":1,\"num_hashes\":57,\"bits_per_entry\":70}" trace2.txt not ok 134 - persist filter settings # ... Thanks.