> It does avoid being directly disrespectful and thus might not technically violate the code of conduct The repo's code of conduct (Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct) states that: > Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: > [...] > Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks > Public or private harassment So it does violate the CoC and should have been removed like other comments. But it was not only kept there, it was not disputed by the admins even after they deleted 4 other messages following his. I personally think it says something about their bias and this should be addressed, even if we don't consider the issue's motivations. > Just my own guess here, but I think calling others' arguments "dull > and kind of childish" is not civil or respectful, and thus that you > missed the reasons for your being blocked. Stating that *an argument* is "dull and kind of childish" does not mean I think the same about who wrote it. I was making arguments, the user stated that *I* would be wary of using the word "cock" in one of my projects' name as if I was not mature enough. It's a personal, disrespectful statement that tried to insult and shame me as immature. >From my point of view I was blocking for defending myself while trying to address the issue's reasoning. But for the sake of arguing, let's say I did deserve the block. Why was it made *after* a whole lot of other commentaries and negative votes on the proposal rather than at the moment it was made? Because the block has nothing to do with the comment itself nor a will to enforce the CoC.