On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 01:32:27PM -0400, Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote: > On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 08:11:01PM +0300, Oleg wrote: > > > question is whether the more abstract benefits to people are worth the > > > potential costs. > > > > Of course, not. This is obvious. > > Oleg, that doesn't make it an invalid discussion point. If Git was > written in German and the lead branch was called "refs/heads/fuhrer" > (German word for "leader"), you'd be on the opposite side of the > barricades arguing that this needs to be changed because it's offensive > to many people whose immediate family members died in WW2. No. You are wrong here :-). I'm adequate person and the case about which you talk couldn't happen. The problems could be if instead of "fuhrer" be "AdolfHitler". And these are completely different things. One side is the recist and nazi whose people killed many, very many, people in the world. And another side is a... m... "master"? What wrong with this word? > why is this even a discussion topic -- isn't there something more > important everyone could work on? Wow. I ask just the same question again and again! There are much of work, but we do some strange changes. These changes will generate a lot of troubles to me and other git users/admins. I don't understand why this is happening. And why if some country have temporary internal problems all other world should suffer and have long-term problems. If anybody can't sleep and want do some meaningless action, they can just buy a t-shirt with the text "no masters, no slaves" or "i'm not supporting masters" or something like this. This will be meaningless like a default branch name change, but nobody will suffer. > Yes, it's a politically motivated change, but it's clearly important to > quite a few people right now and their views should not be disregarded. Ok. But why my and other views are disregarded? Why are this people better, then we? Who decide this? Why do we have a such discrimination in 2020? This is a stupid politically motivated change and in the future something can happens again and somebody run to change something meaningless else. That why software should stay away from politics. Software is just an instrument. And we shouldn't break an instrument everytime something not technically related happens. But this is ordinary western chauvinism. And intresting thing. People which try to looks like anti-racist behaves like a racist: they just do something with public tool without discussion with anyone outside of their elite circle. At first nobody asked indians about their land and desires. First americans just killed almost all of they. Then, americans went to Africa and made slaves from locals. Europian countries went to Africa and Asia and made colonies with cheap labor. Hitler didn't ask anybody about the desire to be killed - just did it. And now the descendants of slaveholders break public tool without asking somebody. Years are coming, but nothing changes... https://www.change.org/p/github-do-not-rename-the-default-branch-from-master-to-main https://www.reddit.com/r/github/comments/h8u7fo/github_to_replace_master_with_alternative_term_to/ -- Олег Неманов (Oleg Nemanov)