But YOU can force other people to engage in YOUR values and YOUR agenda?
Why do you feel the need to coopt successful movements for a completely
unrelated agenda? Free software achieved it's goal to protect people's
software freedoms. If that's not enough for you, create a new movement
and push a different agenda with it. Fork git, change w/e you want and
leave normal people alone. I will repeat, only 8% of americans are
progressive, you are a tiny, tiny minority. Just an incredibly vocal one.
Also, the reasoning that the word "master" excludes black americans is
ludicrous. "Master" can mean so many things, then you CHOOSE to be
offended because of one of it's meanings and now it's "INHERENTLY"
racist and excludes people? Do colleges also exclude them when they
offer you a MASTERS degree? Do chess excludes them because the highest
rank is grandMASTER?
Listen to yourself, you are completely lost in pure, unadulterated ideology.