Hi All, I have been using git for several years now and using git-cola. I just started up git gui and that is quite self explanatory and all the functions I use with git-cola appear to be there. One thing I liked in git-cola was that it very quickly reflected my changes in its display window. I have looked in the options and I cannot see either a flag to set it to auto rescan or set a time for the auto rescan. Have I missed it and there is a way turn this on or give it a shorter time (if in fact it is does do it). If it is not offered could it become an option. I can see that some people may not feel the overhead for distributed system is worth having this on so they would want if off. It is not critical (just nice) as I know I can 1) rescan or 2) go off the file and back on again. It then displays the correct diff/updated contents. Thanks for any advise or help. -- Thanks Luigi Cantoni M: +61 421 624 804 T: +61 8 9418 3777 Email: luigic@xxxxxxxxxx -- Thanks Luigi Cantoni M: +61 421 624 804 T: +61 8 9418 3777 Email: luigic@xxxxxxxxxx