"Marco Trevisan via GitGitGadget" <gitgitgadget@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > From: =?UTF-8?q?Marco=20Trevisan=20=28Trevi=C3=B1o=29?= <mail@xxxxxxxxx> > > When clearing the builtin operations on re-sourcing in the ZSH case we > can use the native ${parameters} associative array keys values to get > the currently `__gitcomp_builtin_*` operations using pattern matching > instead of using sed. "We can" may be a statement of fact, but by itself it does not make a convincing argument why we should have this change in our codebase. Is this change about correctness? Is it about performance? Or something else? If it is about correctness, "the current code fails in this way given this input, but with the new code the breakage is gone" would be a good justification to give in the proposed log message. If it is about performance, of course a measured performance numbers would make an objective justification that is hard to argue with, especially if you can convince people that the patch does not change the behaviour in any negative way. If it is about something else, well, there would be an appropriate way to justify the change, depending on what it is ;-) Thanks.