Greetings everyone! I am working on implementing Generation Number v2. I have written an article about reachability queries, which I feel is necessary background for understanding the project. Here's the summary of article: > Reachability refers to the ability to get from one vertex to another > within a graph. > > Reachability queries are an interesting problem, improving performance > for many graph operations. Better and more sophisticated solutions are > being created as the size of working graphs keeps increasing. > > Reachability for the undirected graph can be found in linear > preprocessing and constant query time with disjoint set unions. The > answer isn't as evident for a directed graph because of differing > performance on positive and negative queries, nature and size of graph > and other factors. Topological Levels, Post Order DFS Intervals and > Contraction Hierachies are some of the building blocks for such > algorithms. In a later article, I will talk about the specifics of generation number for Git. In particular, how Git uses reachability queries, the need for Generation Number v2 i.e., _Correted Commit Date With Strictly Monotonic Offset_ and other interesting tidbits I come across. You can find the article here: I appreciate any suggestions or feedback. Thanks Abhishek