Gary Oberbrunner, Tue, Feb 04, 2020 23:33:42 +0100: > Sorry for the long reply delay; the bug went away and only just showed > up again. Here's the info you requested. > I'm now running git 2.25.0. I hit a very similar problem today with 2.26.0. Also in a submodule. Removing and regenerating the commit graph did not help and I did not have the commit-graphs directory (only a file). "git commit-graph verify" does not find anything. Switching writeCommitGraph on and regenerating the commit graph makes no difference. I can trigger it reliably by visiting the broken(?) commit in supermodule with: git show --submodule=log <commit> I see nothing special in the commit invovled. It is just a single commit in my case, and the commit is a merge of two branches. Regards, Alex