Hello, In a sentence, I cannot get Git to not track a .metadata file. How would I correct this? Please see .txt files as the mail system would not allow me to mail it. I can say that I did try running: git clean -n I realize that the -n is for a dry run but it did not return anything anyway. I am using: git version 2.10.1 (Apple Git-78) OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 Thanks, Mark Wartman
I have cloned a repository that a particular .metadata file was pushed too. This .metadata file seems to be causing me many git conflicts and other issues with Eclipse. So lets say I had a folder named rev. I navigated into the folder rev which there was nothing in there to start with. I ran the command: git clone https://github.com/BenArayathel/0427Java.git So now 0427Java lives inside of rev Then inside of 0427Java there is folder called usf-batch-workspace Inside of usf-batch-workspace are java projects that I and my fellow batch-mates work on. I have a .gitignore in all three of: java-project, usr-batch-workspace, and 0427Java and all three .gitignoreâ??s are the same. I suppose hierarchically it might look like: rev <---------( regular folder not tracked ) 0427Java usr-batch-workspace java-project Inside my .gitignore I have used these: /.metadata/ /usf-batch-workspace/.metadata/* **/.metadata/* # Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/eclipse # Edit at https://www.gitignore.io/?templates=eclipse ### Eclipse ### .metadata # as well as the rest of the provided template