On Fri, 2020-05-01 at 23:59 +0000, brian m. carlson wrote: > git config credential.smtp://smtp.crustytoothpaste.net.helper \ > '!f() { echo username=my-username; echo "password=$(my-password-command)"; }; f' I have tried doing this, with --global, and my config file changed like this: [credential "smtp://smtp.gmail.com"] helper = "!f() { echo username=mymail@xxxxxxxxx; echo \"password=$(gpg2 -q --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty -d ~/words/imap)\"; }; f" While sendemail has: [sendemail] smtpServer = smtp.gmail.com smtpServerPort = 587 smtpEncryption = tls smtpUser = mymail@xxxxxxxxx Yet still, I was asked for password: Password for 'smtp://mymail@xxxxxxxxx@smtp.gmail.com:587': What have I done wrong? Best regards, Leonardo Bras