Hi, Given the increased number of C/C++ and python projects that both use git and a tool like black (python formatting tool), or clang-format (C/C++ tool, primarily), I would like to seriously consider revisiting the topic "blame --ignore-rev - repo-level ignore file” topic that was originally started by Terry Davis here [1] (quoted above for historical reference with the reply provided by Barret Rhoden). Having a default configuration that can be used with git instead of forcing end-users to set custom configs per repo clone would make it considerably easier for end-users: one could clone a repo, reformat code with an automated tool in a series of known commits, add ignored revisions to the file when using git blame, then make additional changes building off the automated reformatters' changes. I will be more than happy to submit patches to make this possible; I just need some guidance in terms of what’s required when contributing changes, etc. Thank you, -Enji 1. https://marc.info/?l=git&m=156864623817929&q=mbox