Hi, I just noticed that the numbers reported are different: % git commit -m 'major code cleanup for SCIMPatchOperationUtil' [nkiesel/nextrelease/SCIM_2 d4db6f6d83f] major code cleanup for SCIMPatchOperationUtil 1 file changed, 2106 insertions(+), 3367 deletions(-) rewrite utils/SCIMPatchOperationUtil.java (74%) % git log --stat -1 commit d4db6f6d83f (HEAD -> nkiesel/nextrelease/SCIM_2) Author: Norbert Kiesel <nkiesel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed Apr 8 18:49:27 2020 -0700 major code cleanup for SCIMPatchOperationUtil utils/SCIMPatchOperationUtil.java | 3807 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 1273 insertions(+), 2534 deletions(-) % wc -l utils/SCIMPatchOperationUtil.java 2106 utils/SCIMPatchOperationUtil.java As you can see, the number of lines in the current file match the number of insertions reported by commit. I suspect some "automated line ending conversion magic" is at fault here (the file has "\r\n" for my Windows-impaired co-developers but I modified it on a Linux system). `git config --get core.autocrlf` on my machine returns `input`. However, I think it would still be better to always report the same numbers, no?