Hi, I encountered a problem with git version 2.24.1 (Apple Git-126). When committing changes to a single file, the commit included a rename, which was not staged, nor actually carried out. More specifically: > git status On branch unwanted-rename Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage) modified: it.xliff Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) Pending/it.xliff.todo > git commit -m "Some fixes" [unwanted-rename 98098ab] Some fixes 2 files changed, 792 insertions(+), 826 deletions(-) rename de.xliff => Pending/it.xliff.todo (56%) > git log --name-only HEAD~1..HEAD commit 98098abe5bc9c10a644009e6d185fa967941caca (HEAD -> unwanted-rename) Author: Erwin Bonsma <eriban@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed Apr 8 20:47:09 2020 +0200 Some fixes Pending/it.xliff.todo it.xliff > ls de.* de.xliff # The file is still present > git status On branch unwanted-rename Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) Pending/it.xliff.todo # The file is still untracked > rm Pending/it.xliff.todo > git checkout master > git checkout unwanted-rename Now let's inspect the resulting revision again. > ls de.* ls: de.xliff: No such file or directory # The file is now gone, as commit suggested > ls Pending/it.xliff.* Pending/it.xliff.todo # The untracked, removed file was indeed added to source control The changes can be reproduced on the unwanted-rename branch available at https://git.code.sf.net/p/grandperspectiv/localization The branch includes the wrong commit. To reproduce it: > git reset --soft HEAD~1 > git restore --staged de.xliff > git restore --staged Pending/it.xliff.todo > git restore de.xliff Now working copy is ready for replay. > git status On branch unwanted-rename Your branch is behind 'origin/unwanted-rename' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage) modified: it.xliff Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) Pending/it.xliff.todo > git commit -m "Some fixes" [unwanted-rename 4d1368c] Some fixes 2 files changed, 792 insertions(+), 826 deletions(-) rename de.xliff => Pending/it.xliff.todo (56%) Cheers, Erwin