Thanks for your feedback! > On Mar 25, 2020, at 8:23 PM, Bryan Turner <bturner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > This didn't add the same thing. What does a "git status" show at this > point? I'd expect it would show "Versions/Current/Headers/interior.h" > as added to the index, not "Headers/interior.h". $ git add . $ git status Changes to be committed: (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage) new file: Foo.framework/Headers new file: Foo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Interior.h > It doesn't necessarily seem like a bug, to me; more like a case where > Git could potentially be "smarter" to try and determine that, while > "Headers/interior.h" is beyond a symlink, the target of that symlink > is still in the repository. (Versions/Current _is_ in the same > repository, right?) Agree, makes sense! I think what happens here is that `git add .` adds the Foo.framework/Headers directory first, to circumvent this check failing here? Whereas a single “git add path/to/file” would fail here