Hello. I'm trying to clone a local git repository and it fails: nikita@blacky:~/linux-2.6> git clone -l -s -n . ../new Initialized empty Git repository in /home/nikita/new/.git/ /usr/bin/git-clone: line 381: cd: /home/nikita/new/.git/refs/remotes/origin: No such file or directory The command is [almost] from git-clone(1) examples. Examining .git in the new directory after the error: nikita@blacky:~/new> ls -aR .: ./ ../ .git/ ./.git: ./ ../ branches/ config description HEAD hooks/ info/ objects/ refs/ ./.git/branches: ./ ../ ./.git/hooks: ./ applypatch-msg post-commit post-update pre-commit update ../ commit-msg post-receive pre-applypatch pre-rebase ./.git/info: ./ ../ exclude ./.git/objects: ./ ../ info/ pack/ ./.git/objects/info: ./ ../ alternates ./.git/objects/pack: ./ ../ ./.git/refs: ./ ../ heads/ tags/ ./.git/refs/heads: ./ ../ ./.git/refs/tags: ... (same as in .git/refs/tags/ of the original directory) Looks like for some reason, .git/refs/remotes in the new directory is not created, but referenced. Original repository was created by 'git init' and then populated with several 'git remote add' and 'git remote update' commands. This is with debian package git-core 1: (current debian etch-backports version) Is this a bug? If not, what I'm doing wrong? Is it possible to manually 'fix' the original directory such that local clones from it will become possible? Nikita - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html