Re: merge time

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On Sun, 29 Jul 2007, Matthew L Foster wrote:

--- Linus Torvalds <torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Well, there i sno "wrong" time. There are just "different" times. The only
thing git really tracks is not actually the time (that's purely for human
consumption), but the *relationship* between commits. So git really very
fundmanetally just tracks things like "commit X was the parent of commit
Y", and the time is really immaterial.

Is it possible for git and/or gitweb to know that commits X and Y are descendents of merge C and
use the time merge C happened locally for both instead of using the time commits X and Y were

git knows what's a decendent of what, but gitweb doesn't show it well. that's why Linus suggested you look at gitk or qgit.

by the way, you probably mean that commits X and Y are parents of merge C, not decendants.

but if git did what you wanted it would show every commit with the time of the merge, and that wouldn't help you anyway.

It seems to me changes showing up as being made long before they really were merged is a
very serious problem verification wise but if everyone is using git then perhaps it's not as bad
as I think. What happens when security bug fix Z errantly seems to be in v2.6.22 but in reality
its not?

you don't look at the dates to see if the bugfix is in 2.6.22 you look at the graph or ask git to tell you

remember that in git you don't have one-true-trunk of the project, you have a mesh of interconnected points, some of which are pointed to by tags that tell you that other people thought that they are particularly interesting.

David Lang

Thanks for the responses,

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