Hello there, I am having an issue with git-aliases - specifically, the intricacies involved in their syntax. In general, the syntax is confusing to me, especially when it is _wise_ to use quotes inside a `!sh` alias. e.g. which one would be the correct one new = "!f() { : git log ; git log \"${1}@{1}..${1}@{0}\" \"$@\" ; } ; f" new = !f() { : git log ; git log "${1}@{1}..${1}@{0}" "$@" ; } ; f (from converting this: https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Aliases#What.27s_new.3F) new = !sh -c 'git log $1@{1}..$1@{0} "$@"' The alias confusing me is more specifically this: https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Aliases#simple_diff_ignoring_line_number_changes diffsort = !sh -c 'git diff "$@" | grep "^[+-]" | sort --key=1.2 | uniq -u -s1' The output of: $ colordiff -su <(git diffsort HEAD^..HEAD) <(git diffsort HEAD^^..HEAD^) Files /dev/fd/63 and /dev/fd/62 are identical is a little unexpected, since I know for a fact that one of the referced commits is not a code block moved. (and indeed, if I do it myself: $ colordiff -su <(git diff HEAD^..HEAD | grep "^[+-]" | sort --key=1.2 | uniq -u -s1) <(git diff HEAD^^..HEAD^ | grep "^[+-]" | sort --key=1.2 | uniq -u -s1) --- /dev/fd/63 2020-01-14 17:17:45.103771745 +0200 +++ /dev/fd/62 2020-01-14 17:17:45.103771745 +0200 @@ -1,2 +1,13 @@ [....] it works. The issue I have found is: $@ is not expanded Tested with: diffsort = !sh -c 'echo "+git diff $@" | grep "^[+-]" | sort --key=1.2 | uniq -u -s1' $ git diffsort HEAD^..HEAD +git diff I would appreciate if someone would clear out the air for me. I think I have done my homework enough, and it is not trivially obvious what is the correct thing to do. I'll gladly take pointers though Ντέντος Σταύρος