Dear git community , I am using git submodule features. So, by example, I have a repository top which include a sub repository sub-repo. I would like to re-write the whole historic on the top repository without the sub-repo. I tried to use git-filter command but I have an issue on sub-repo. Here the commands and outputs: [10:27:42] $ git submodule d3fc420ee38babe74d6e3838b5b2a946ee551fa7 sub-repo (v1.0) [9:55:48] $ git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -rf --cached --ignore-unmatch sub-repo' --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all Rewrite 471a2c664466a364bfe5fdf774c7c0d7efe50396 (32/54) (3 seconds passed, remaining 2 predicted) fatal: exec '--super-prefix= sub-repo/': cd to sub-repo' failed: No such file or directory error: Submodule sub-repo' could not be updated. error: Submodule ' sub-repo' cannot checkout new HEAD. Could not initialize the index Was somebody able to remove such historic from a top repository? Thanks by advance for your help. Kind Regards, Laurent FIGADERE