Hi Sir/Madam, I tried to report this issue to dropbox technical team, but they replied that the issue was not caused by Dropbox, so I try to report to your team as a bug report below: Everytime I used git to push commit to my remote repo located in my dropbox, some files stuck in syncing status and can’t be able to sync to dropbox. To get those files be synced, I need to do one of the follow steps everytime by manually: 1. Drag and drop back the file to dropbox using the finder. OR 2. Click Pause and resume syncing in dropbox desktop manager. OR 3. Restart Dropbox. To make it clear, I prepared a screen recording to show the issue that I am facing. www.dropbox.com/s/ivn7qytk0u67v6n/Screen%20Recording%202020-01-03%20at%2012.21.21%20PM.mov?dl=0 This issue only appear after I switch to use my new computer running as macOS 10.15, everything works fine in my old computer running as macOS 10.13.6. p.s: git version 2.24.1 BRs, On -- The information in this electronic mail ("e-mail") message is for the use of the named recipient(s) only and may be confidential. The information may be protected by privilege, work product immunity or other applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient(s), the retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail message is strictly prohibited. If you receive this e-mail message in error, please notify me immediately by replying to the message and thereafter, delete all copies on your system and destroy any hard copies.